2023 Q3

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Heart of the King Newsletter – 2023 Q3

We would like to thank you all as supporters, friends and Christ believers for having an interest in our ministry.  The following is our 2023 third quarter newsletter.  We are glad that we can share a little part of our life and ministry here in Honduras with you.  We hope that you enjoy reading, seeing and maybe even experiencing vicariously some of the daily activities we experience here on the mission field.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7

Dia de Niño

In Honduras Día de Nino (Children’s Day) is probably the most celebrated holiday all year. Children are celebrated by schools, families and friends with parties, gifts, piñatas and just a day of fun. We joined with missionary friends and went to Marcala, a neighboring city, where about 1000 children gathered for the day.  There were Bible stories, singing, games, food and gifts.

Moms were so happy to see their children smiling and having fun. When we hear of stories of mothers walking 2 or more hours to get to an event like this, we realize how much love the mothers have for their children. They want the best for their children, if only for a short time.  How much more does God love us? He created this whole earth, a perfect place, then made man to enjoy it all. We may not have everything we want but as a believer everything we need is provided.

Rio Colorado

Our missionary friends John and Elizabeth were told of a village (Rio Colorado) that was struggling and in need of food. With very little rain this year, crops did not grow well so many families who depend on selling or trading crops for provisions were left wanting. So, Heart of the King Ministries joined in purchasing food for this village. (Thanks to all who support us) One afternoon we packed about 30 bags of food and hygiene items to be distributed. John and Elizabeth had also purchased candy and chips for the children, we helped pack this along with stuffing a piñata with candy.

Unfortunately, the day they arranged to take the items up was a day we already had something scheduled so we could not go with them. Another missionary couple was asked to go and were able to assist. They planned some games for the kids and the event turned out to be a fun time of celebrating and playing with the children. Afterwards a service was held where John spoke and the people were blessed.  God always makes a way for people to hear the Word and life to be enjoyed, we were so thankful to be a part of this open door.

Club Aslan  

Middle School aged children are awesome, always changing, curious and usually very sweet and kind.  These are the kids we work with in Club Aslan every Saturday afternoon.  They are at an age of decision making, grades 6-9.  A lot of schools only go through grade 6, some through grade 9.  This school goes through the 9th grade and then to continue their education they must go to another city and most kids can’t afford this unless they have relatives living near the other school. Those kids not advancing in education learn to work in the fields, be housekeepers, get married, do construction work or wood work. Club Aslan, Kelly & Steve, has been working to show other options through entrepreneurship, sports, art, etc.  Over the summer a nurse intern visiting with Kelly & Steve worked with a medical team visiting their school and on Saturday she gave her testimony at the club showing how you can use your abilities for the Lord.

Recently, members from the local professional Rugby team came in to briefly teach rugby and play the game with the kids. It was very interesting and the children had lots of fun playing the new game. Another Saturday a local chess national champion came in to teach chess. Several of the youth picked the game up right away, others watched but yes, the game is a little complicated. 

On a different Saturday a local artist came in talking about art giving them an opportunity to draw and paint. Some of these kids are very talented! Their work is amazing. In the past, trips have been taken to the local hospital, a barber shop and a local made ice cream shop giving examples of possibilities for their future.  We pray for these preteen and teens that as they seek a better life, they will make wise decisions and learn to depend on God.

Amor Que Redime – Love That Redeems Church

Our church is very special, we are one big family! Our Pastor and family went to the states during the summer and they allowed Gene to teach on the Sundays they were away. This was a challenge for Gene as he tried out his Spanish with help from Reyna one of the youths who attends a bi-lingual school, (She is awesome). Everyone listened intently and received the lessons from the Gospel of John with gratitude.  

We believe in healing and have seen several miracles; one lady healed from cancer, 2 children were healed of congestion and lung problems. Join us in praying for each other that we will remain healthy, strong and determined to follow Jesus in all we do.

HFMM Retreat

We are a part of Honduras Fellowship of Missionary and Ministries. This is an amazing ministry that assist Honduran missionaries with residency questions, legal questions and questions on living in a foreign country among other things. They are amazing! A retreat was held at the beach for 4 days in September. It was so relaxing and refreshing. The setting was nice, food was great but worship and the Word was the icing on the cake. Sometimes you just don’t realize how much you miss being in the midst of like-minded believers, sharing stories and learning from each other. The sermons were: 1. ‘Seek to know your Assignment’ (purpose); your assignment is yours alone, it is OK to be different and say no to somethings.  2. ‘Stay Focused on Your Assignment’, you may feel like giving up but run the race, finish the work and the reward will come for the glory of God.  3. ‘Seek the Anointing’, without the Spirit of God to lead you, you will face trials, delays and disappointments. We ask God to keep us faithful and focused as we follow him.  

Teach Me 2 Love School

School started back in September, yay! The kids were excited to be back and see all their friends again. They have a new bus and driver and he is great. He helps each child onto the bus and to their seat and knows them by name! He is an answer to prayer. There are 4 new students this year and they are adjusting to a new schedule. Several have never attended any classes so getting them into a routine is slowly coming together. 

Alicia has received great reports from the parents who have seen such improvements in abilities and behaviors since their child started this school, we workers have noticed lots of improvements in the children also. Jon, Alicia and Michele are wonderful teachers full of knowledge but they will tell you all good things come from God, He is doing a great work in these children and their families! We praise God for these answers to prayers.

Life in Honduras – Pigs & Road Work

We really enjoy living here in Honduras, you never know what you will see or what you will experience but we laugh and make the best of it or sometimes grumble and move along.  One day I heard the dogs barking outside so I went to see what was going on. A little dog was “supervising” two pigs as they routed their way around the path by our house. They would move, the dog would be right there barking and watching them. Soon they wandered around the house and down the road. If it’s not pigs its cows or chickens but they always seem to find their way home.

The roads here in our area are terrible! Pot holes, broken pavement, pavement no more; Gene goes out and checks our battery every week to be sure it is still tied down and in place since one time it was not. One day while driving down the road the car slowed to a stop twice because a battery cable was jarred off! Thankfully Gene got that fixed, we don’t want to experience that again.

Work is beginning on the roads here and we pray and give thanks for this work every time we are out. The road from our city to the next is being reconstructed with concrete, thick reinforced concrete! What they have finished is so smooth to drive on and gives us hope that someday all the roads in our area will be this nice and much safer. It will be a long process but it is being done. Our city of La Esperanza has started a job of new sidewalks, cement benches and planters for trees to make the drive through the city more beautiful. Needless to say, right now driving through the city is a challenge. I tell you all this because we are praying that La Esperance (The Hope) becomes a city that shines with the glory and blessings of God. Many visitors come here and stop because it is on the pathway to several other cities of interest and because of the cooler weather. We pray that a visit to our city will bring hope of a better life to those who visit and those who live here.

Lucy & Kids

When writing a newsletter, you always want to show your ministry activities and be as positive and uplifting as possible.  But unfortunately, we have a bit of sad news to share in this newsletter.  The young mother that we mentioned in our last couple of newsletters was given a great opportunity to move with her children into a ministry house outside of Tegucigalpa for single mothers and their children. She would be in a two-year program to receive education and training to improve her life and the life of the children. The children would be in preschool or nursery care every day where they could learn and grow. This is something we prayed for. Another missionary we know, Ruth, made contact with the ministry and setup an interview.  We drove up to the mountains where Lucy lives and let her use our phone to talk with the ministry director during the interview process. Everything went well and we decided that we would drive back up there in two days to pick up her, the children and a few belongings. We were all excited that they would be on their way to a new life full of new opportunities.

This is where the sad part begins. As we arrived back up the mountain two days later, we saw people who we had never seen there before. It seems that when she told her family what would be happening, they descended on her little house to convince her that it was a bad idea.  Evidently, they had come in to show her that they could help her and that she was needed there as a part of the family. There was no need for her and the children to leave the area. We tried talking with her reminding her about the opportunities that she and her children would have. We felt that God had given her this opportunity to better her life because He loves her so much. She had many excuses not to go. We and Ruth had discussed that if she did not take this opportunity to receive help, we could not continue our visits and help for her and her children and we explained this to her. Since all avenues to convince her failed, we had to go. It was one of the saddest things that we have ever had to do.  We drove off that day knowing we would probably never see them again and not knowing what the future would hold. We prayerfully put them into God’s hands and ask that He makes a way for them.

Missionary Fellowship

In July, we had the opportunity for many of the missionaries in the area to gather again at our house for a time of fellowship.  We try to do this every few months. It is a time of relaxing, taking with someone you saw just yesterday or someone you have not seen since the last gathering. Everyone seems to have a good time and I think they do, because they keep coming back.

Prison Ministry

Our ministry in the local prison has continued every month since starting last March.  We thank Sharon Sanders for the major role she plays in this ministry as coordinator and interpreter; thanks to Eduardo for providing music and we thank Dr. Delron and Peggy Shirley for helping to spark this ministry when they were here ministering last year in October. The prisoners are always open and very receptive to the word we bring.

You probably did not hear but in June of this year, there were 46 women killed in a riot at the women’s prison outside of Tegucigalpa, about 4 hours away from us. It was started by issues between two rival gangs. Here in La Esperanza, we have not had any issues but since June, the security at the prison here has changed. Now the military police are in charge; the difference is noticeable. More guards, guards manning towers (which you never saw before), random searches of the prisoners, it feels like a different place. This extra security is good and we do feel safe while ministering. From our stand point the Lord’s word is reaching the prisoners and God has a lot for them to receive.

Visit to the States

When we heard that our daughter Erica was going to visit Georgia, we just had to try to go. She lives in Arizona and we have not seen her in over two years. So, we found a way and took a short trip to the states in August. It was a great trip; we saw Erica and met her boyfriend, spent time with our boys and all the rest of the family in Georgia. We went to our Georgia church and saw many friends.

In Alabama we spent time with Robin’s brothers; visited Robin’s brother’s church and helped with crafts and also attended a church service there. We did get a little shopping done and rested a bit also. A quick turn around and back to work here in Honduras.  We are looking forward to our next opportunity to see family and friends in December.

2023 pastor Conference

We are in the process of planning for a pastor’s conference to be held at the end of November/first of December.  Dr. Delron and Peggy Shirley will be here for a week.  Dr. Delron will hold 2 two-day conferences on the gifts and filling of the Holy Spirit. Peggy will hold two women’s meetings. They will also be participating in several church services and other activities.  Please be in prayer for this week as we plan and prepare for their time here.

Gene and I are so thankful to be a part of each of these ministries and activities. We have prayed for these ministries as we ask God what we can do to help and be a blessing. We seek His guidance as we step out to work with those around us and know as we step out, God may open new doors so that His love can be shared and lives can be changed for the better.

Thank you for allowing us to be your hands and feet in Honduras. We are in this together for the glory of God!

If the Lord leads you to support our ministry financially, all gifts are tax deductible and should be mailed to:

Heart of the King Ministries
115 Creden Pl
Alabaster, AL. 35007

Checks should be made payable to Heart of the King Ministries.

If you would like to use a credit or debit card or your PayPal account,
PayPal is available on our website at this LINK.

Click this LINK to view all of our Honduras photo galleries (newer photos appear toward the bottom of the individual galleries).