Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4
We’ve come to the end of 2024; we hope that you will rejoice with us as we share some of what God has done and is doing in Honduras.

Dr. Delron and Peggy Shirley – Ministering in Honduras
The first week of November our friends Dr. Delron and Peggy Shirley came down to hold a Pastor’s Conference. This is the third year they have been able to join Heart of the King Ministries to minister to pastors and leaders in Honduras. This year turned out to be a very full 10 days of ministry in Honduras for them and us.

We started with 4 days in the county’s capitol of Tegucigalpa. There we met up with Pastor Edwin and held a pastor’s meeting with 30 pastors and leaders then there was a home group meeting at the pastor’s house. Everyone enjoyed the teachings and presence of God. The next day, a marriage conference was held at the church and finally the Sunday morning church service. We learned that being committed to God as a Pastor, in your marriage and in everyday life is a daily commitment we must hold to. The enemy is real and out to destroy all God has for us. Pastor Edwin kept us busy most of the time we were in the capitol.

After leaving Tegucigalpa and traveling up the mountains to La Esperanza, we started ministry around our home-base area. First on the schedule, we traveled to the mountain aldea of Tutule to hold a marriage conference. Dr. Delron and Peggy gave timeless and Spirit inspired teaching to over 15 local pastors and their wives. At the end of the one day conference, each pastor was given a backpack containing a study-Bible, pen, highlighter and notebook. Dr. Delron explained how to use a study-Bible. We must never stop learning; the Bible is our map for a fulfilling life.

After traveling back to La Esperanza, the next morning was spent ministering at the local hospital. There were about 14 nervous expectant mothers waiting to give birth and each were prayed for. We visited the children’s and adult wards praying for each patient encouraging each to trust God for every need.

In the afternoon Peggy had a chance to minister to the women at the local prison. A message of forgiveness was given to the 5 women and they heard that God never remembers forgiven sins. We must learn to forgive ourself and build a better life.

We concluded the day with Dr. Delron teaching on evangelism and discipleship at one of the local churches to pastors, leaders and some of the church congregation.

The next day Dr. Delron ministered to the men at the local prison. There were around 300 male inmates and they all listened very intently as the word was giving.

We were also able to deliver an audio Bible , from Faith Comes by Hearing, to the Director of the prison. We delivered New Testament Bibles to each prisoner in September and now the inmates who cannot read will be able to listen to the word of God.

Now it is finally time for the actual pastor conferences that initiated the trip to Honduras. This year, both conferences covered the subject of “Understanding your Spiritual Authority”. Dr. Delron taught from his book Finally My Brethren (Spanish; Finalmente Mis Hermanos). At the end of each day, all attending pastors and leaders received a free copy of the book to read and study for additional information.

First up is Marcala. Marcala is a town with a population around 16,000 that is located about 30 kilometers from La Esperanza. We spent the night at the hotel in Marcala were the conference was being held to make it easier to get setup and started on time. As pastors and leaders began trikeling in, we welcomed them and directed them to coffee and bread that had been prepared. Over the next 8 hours, with a lunch and a couple of breaks in between the teaching, they heard the word from Dr. Delron and Peggy. We closed out the day with prayer and a time for questions and answers. There were many question and Dr. Delron answered them all. There were 46 pastors and leaders who signed in. There were a few additional leaders and spouses that came with some of the pastors who did not sign in.

Next up is La Esperanza. Actually the conference location was outside of a small town called Yamaranguila. Yamaranguila is about 5 kilometers from La Esperanza in then opposit direction from Marcala and was a better location for some of the pastors traveling from far away. This day started about the same as the day in Marcala. We had moved to the conference hotel in Yamaranguila after leaving Marcal and was now starting a new day and a new conference. After welcoming the arriving pastors and leaders, the conference began and the pastors and leaders soaked in the word. Same as in Marcala, we had lunch and a couple of breaks and concluded with prayer and a time for questions and answers. Again, there were many question and Dr. Delron answered them all. There were 76 pastors and leaders who signed in for this day.

Now we had arrived at the last day of ministry. We closed out the 2024 Honduras trip ministering at two more churches. Dr. Delron spoke at the morning service of a Church in the center of La Esperanza and Peggy spoke at the afternoon service of another local church outside of town. The next morning brought travel to the airport and good byes until their next visit to Honduras.
Established Ministry Work and Other Activities

We continue to visit the children’s unit in the local hospital where we pray for the children and their parents. Many of these children suffer from respiratory conditions or are recovering from surgeries. They all welcome prayer and some of the mothers have prayed the prayer of salvation. We rejoice in every opportunity to tell others about God’s love. Every child receives a small gift or crayons & coloring pages and each parent gets a tract or New Testament.

Monthly we visit the local prison. With an average of 300 prisoners, the jail is crowded but the prisoners all gather in a central courtyard to hear the word of God. One of the men plays the piano and a couple of the men lead singing then Gene and/or Sharon will deliver a timely message. Recently we took bags with a soda, cookies and candy to give to each of the prison guards and office workers, about 40 of them. The guards have been very accepting and welcoming to us and some of them gather to listen to the teachings also. We are thankful to enter the prison without fear and our prayer is that all who hear will receive the forgiveness they need.

This quarter we had the opportunity to assist the ministry Goodjustice (https://goodjustice.com/). One of the things thry do is to distribute water buckets and filters to communities that do not have access to pure drinkable water. They work directly with the local authorities and community leaders to provide a bucket and filter to each family in the community. We met early one morning with a group from Goodjustice in a community outside of Yamaranguila.

They had hundreds of buckets with filters and a team of 12 or 15 volunteers. They first held a meeting with the community leaders to explain what they were going to do and how to use the buckets and filters. Next, we divided into teams, grabbed as many buckets as we could carry and started walking to our designated area. As we passed each house in our area, we gave a bucket and filter to each family and took as much time as needed to explain and demonstrate how the filter works and must be cleaned. Also, the family was prayed for, a New Testament was given. After walking, giving buckets with filters, talking and praying for hours, we returned to our starting point to see that all of the buckets with filters had been delivered for that day. Praise the Lord that many families will be drinking clean water for years to come. The filters last around 11 years with proper cleaning.

A friend of ours, Sara, completed and graduated from 9th grade this year. We are very proud of her and took her and her family out to eat to celebrate. She chose to go to San Augustine (the local fish house) so we all got to enjoy seafood. She immediately started working at a local hair salon with plans to continue her education in February. We pray that God directs her steps and she receives a good education for a great life.

We did have a slight problem with our truck but was able to quickly resolve the problem. The steering rack broke; with the roads we travel it was not a surprise. We took it to a local repair shop and praise the Lord they had new parts in stock to get everything repaired quickly. The “funny” thing was that our friends had 2 cars with the same problem the week before. We went to different repair shops and our steering was making strange noises so we know the repair was necessary, not a scam. God is so good; we recognized the problem when we were home and it did not cause problems when we were out on the roads. We are thankful for our truck!

Our friends from Teach Me 2 Love Academy asked if we could help a team that had come down from the states. We were able to help transport some of them so that they could work with a family of one of the Teach Me 2 Love students. That family was living with other family members in a small crowed house and were starting construction on a home of thier own. The team members were able to build and paint some columns from steel rebar. These columns will be used to support the concrete block walls. Hopefully, this family will soon have a warm, safe house to live in.

Teach Me 2 Love Academy for special needs children is going strong. We have seen many miracles in these children and their families know God is hearing our prayers. The city allows the school to meet in an old city building and the roof was leaking. Request went out for funds to replace the roof and the need was met quickly. Thank you to everyone who gave to provide a new roof. Now, while school is out for the Christmas break, the roof is being replaced and the room we meet in will be dry and much warmer with a better roof.

On December 13, the kids put on a Christmas program, they did a great job. All of them dressed up and came with smiles on their faces. During one song there was ‘snow’ falling then they got to throw ‘snow’ balls at the audience. It was such a fun time for everyone.

Our church Amor Que Redime is growing! We will soon expand the sanctuary so that there will be more room and continue to grow. Some of the women of the church wanted to collect coats and warm clothes for one of the poorest areas near the church in the mountains. We received many clothes, toys and candy then met as a team a couple of times to prepare them for distribution.

On the day that we went to the village of Los Olivos, it was overcast and cool. As we drove up it began to rain lightly but we made it. Pastor Jon gave a brief message and words of encouragement to the families gathered there. Next, we gave out the clothes and gifts. Everyone was laughing and so happy to receive these gifts. It is a joy to give to those in need and the smiles on their faces made it worth all the efforts to get there.

October marked the 6-year anniversary of Club Aslan. Kelly and Steve have poured lots of love into these kids through teaching English and holding Club Aslan. We have seen such a difference in these children. Once they just sat around waiting to be told what to do. Now they are eager to do projects and play games and have become very creative. Through Club Aslan they have taken trips to different businesses learning how they can build their own business and taken fun trips to explore nature and learn more about the area where they live. Many of these students have never traveled to another city or gone any further than they could walk. We all rejoice in watching them explore and learn.

Again, this year, our good friend and fellow missionary Ruth worked hard to receive boxes of the Manna Pack Rice. This rice is enriched with vitamins and minerals and are distributed as we visit, witness to and minister to people in different villages. God knows how to open doors and food is a good way to meet people.

Over 1,000 boxes filled with 36 1-pound bags of rice were received and distributed to Pastors and Missionaries from all over our area. We, the city of La Esperanza, are located in the mountains and our prayer is that we become the “city on the hill” where everyone who comes, hears about Jesus. Sharing the word, one person at a time, is a great start to a beautiful future.

In October our good friends Niko & Reyna asked us to come over for a visit. As we entered their house and walked into the kitchen many of our friends there yelled “Happy Birthday”! What a surprise for us. Both of our birthdays are in October and they wanted to bless us with a delicious dinner and time of fellowship. They had a pinata filled with candy and believe me those are not easy to hit and break open. It was such a fun time; we are blessed with many wonderful friends in La Esperanza.

It had been a long time since all of us Missionaries got together for a dinner so several people suggested a Thanksgiving/Christmas gathering. We selected a date early in December for a Thanksmas dinner inviting our missionary friends to come over bringing their favorite holiday dish. 23 people came over and the table was filled with delicious dishes of holiday food. It was great to see everyone and just sit, talk and eat. We praise God that we can gather and rejoice in the goodness of God.

One of our dear friends, Rose from Free Chapel church in Gainesville Georgia, sent down a box of items for us to distribute. The warm sweat shirts and jackets came just in time for our church distribution. Another friend, Dianne, gave us a box of goods that contained many items including toothbrushes and toothpaste. We used some of these items for the Christmas hygiene packages that we helped Teach Me 2 Love give out. Myra and the congregation at Good News Assembly of God Alexandria Alabama, gave us ‘a ton’ of socks and other items that have been a blessing in many of our out-reach projects. Giving does a heart good and we thank each of you for giving to Heart of the King Ministries and blessing the Honduran people in our area. We rejoice daily knowing that with your help, we are able to help others. God is love and showing that love is a joy.

We want to thank all of our partners and friends for their prayers and financial support during 2024. We could not have blessed the people in the mountains of Honduras without your help. We know that the Lord will bless each of you for sharing the heart of Jesus with those in need. We look forward to the adventures that the Lord has for us in 2025. With your continued support, these adventures will touch and change the lives of the Honduran people in our area.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, rejoice!
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 (NKJV)
We love you,
Gene & Robin
Heart of the King Ministries

If the Lord leads you to support our ministry financially, all gifts are tax deductible and should be mailed to:
Heart of the King Ministries
115 Creden Pl
Alabaster, AL. 35007
Checks should be made payable to Heart of the King Ministries.
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PayPal is available on our website at this LINK.
Click this LINK to view all of our Honduras photo galleries (newer photos may appear toward the bottom of the individual galleries).