Daily Archives: April 1, 2024

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Heart of the King Newsletter – 2024 Q1

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.  Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Welcome to our first quarter 2024 Heart of the King Ministries newsletter. We hope God uses this to put a spark into your life. To awaken something that God wants to share with you. May you be blessed as you read of these God adventures in Honduras. We pray you hear His leading for your own God adventures.

Life in Honduras

Living life in Honduras is always full of “experiences”, some are commonplace and some a little out of the ordinary. 

One of the more uncommon experiences was carrying a mother and new born child home from the hospital in our truck.  That may sound common to you but in the Honduras mountains, it is uncommon.  Here the mothers from the surrounding mountain areas travel to the free hospital here in La Esperanza a few days to a week ahead of their delivery date.  The reason; transportation.  The only way for them to get to the hospital is by bus or by walking.  There is a building behind the hospital were the mothers stay until their delivery date or they deliver.  If they have not delivered by their date, a C-section is performed.  There are many C-sections performed here. The reason; the hospitals are government run and there is no insurance or money to buy insurance if it was available.  With the hospital it is generally the case that you are in and out.  After the baby is born, it is time to return home.  Again, the only method of transportation is a bus or walking. 

Many mothers with their new born babies walk because they have no money for the bus.  One day this past month, we received a call from one of the local missionaries who were away from home. They knew of a family that had just delivered, left the hospital and had no way home except to walk.  So, we jumped in the truck and headed to the center of town (almost two miles from the hospital).  The mother, new born, grandmother and a friend were sitting in the shade in front of a bank (almost 2 miles from the hospital).  We carried them about 10 or 12 more miles to the aldea of El Cerron and let them out at a path beside the road.  They thanked us and started up the path.  It was almost a straight up climb but they walked up it with little effort.  Honduran women are strong.

One of the commonplace experiences was a super bowl party.  A group of missionaries had gathered at the home of our missionary friends John & Elizabeth to enjoy the North American tradition.  About half were cheering for the Chiefs and the other half were cheering for the 49ers. When the Chiefs won, there were no fights breaking out and no neighborhood celebration with destruction, burning of cars or violence. There were just hugs & congratulations. Oh yes, what’s a football game without snacks? We did enjoy lots of snacks; pizza, chicken sandwiches, chips & dip, candy and soda..  We love our missionary family. 

Another experience we enjoyed this past month was a weeding between 2 of our Honduran friends.  A Wedding may seem common to you but it is a little different here.  Yes, the bride, groom and mothers are nervous, stressed out and exhausted from the preparation, so far it all sounds very common. We showed up around 10:30 on the wedding day to help with final preparations.  The wedding was scheduled to start at 2:00.  So, as we finished our work and changed our clothes, we started to watch guests arrive.  Most people arrived between 2:00 and 2:30 and the wedding actually started around 3:30. The wedding ceremony itself is not a lot different than in the states except for a lot of prayer.  The bride walks out and meets the groom with mothers and family members close by. 

The minister starts.  There are a lot of different prayers then vows are exchanged. There are other traditional activities based on the family and church beliefs. A song or 2 are sung after the couple are united.  The ceremony goes directly into the reception.  No changing of clothes for the couple and no time in between.  Appetizers were served as everyone set around talking and taking photos.  About 6:30, the meal was served.  After the meal there was more talking and taking photos as the guests started to depart.  Family & relationships are important here so fellowship time is key. Weddings do not start on time, are very long and filled with many traditions that I did not have the time or the knowledge of to mention. It was a very beautiful wedding of a very wonderful couple.

Prison Ministry

One year ago in March, Heart of the King Ministries teamed up with another local ministry here in La Esperanza, Intibucá Amor en Obras (Love in Works) to start teaching the word of God in the local prison.  Since then, we have had many opportunities to get involved with the inmates.  We go into the prison once a month to teach the word to all 340 inmates. 

We stand in the courtyard while all inmates sit around us on stools and benches or stand against the walls to listen.  They listen attentively to the message.  Many have responded with a raise of hands to accept Jesus and there are always a lot of AMEN’s from the group.  Our prayer has been for the men’s lives to be improved in every way while serving their time.

The school year in Honduras is from February through November.  This year, there are 180 inmates that are attending classes in the prison to advance their education.  There are grown men attending first through six grade classes in order to get their official Honduran education certificate; you can’t get a quality job without it.

Honduran teachers and the standard Honduran curriculum for public schools are used for an approved education.  With your support, we were able to provide classroom white boards and a supplies bag for some of the inmates. 

We have partnered with Teach All Nations, World Missionary Press and Mission Cry in the US to supply ministry materials and give a Bible to each inmate. Click on the play button below to hear an excerpt from the Mission Network News podcast about sending bibles and resources to Honduras prison inmates.

  • Click this link to view the Mission Network News story about sending bibles and resources to Honduras prison inmates. 
  • Click this link to view the Teach All Nations Mission Report from their visit to Honduras in November of last year.

We are currently applying for official registration with the prison system to provide us easier access and more opportunities.  Please pray that the process goes smoothly.  Also, please continue praying for these men and women.  One touch from God can change a person, their family and friends.

Church – Amor Que Redime

Our church continues to learn and grow. Our Pastor’s heart is for everyone to share their love for God with others. The past 2 months, on Sunday mornings, each family had an opportunity to share a story from the Bible that had touched their hearts then Pastor Jon would summarize and emphasize the main points given. It was amazing to hear the stories; stories about Joseph, David, Elijah & the widow, Job, Hagar & Ishmael and more. God cares about any situation we find ourselves in, as we look to Him, He will bless & bring out good. Sharing Bible stories with others is an amazing way to introduce God and His compassion for us.

As a church we are always looking for ways to reach out and encourage others. One member knew of a school in the mountains that had 1 teacher teaching 28 students grades 1-6 who could use some help. We learned that teachers are paid and a small amount of supplies are provided according to the number of students that attend a school. The government decided that there were only enough students for one teacher in this area so all of the students, in all the grades, were combine under one teacher. We began gathering school supplies for both the teacher and students and planned a visit.

Once we arrived, we were able to tell a Bible story, sing some songs, play some games, eat some Jell-O and distribute supplies. Everyone had a great time, especially the teacher. She later sent word that she was so grateful for the supplies and a case to keep them in. She travels by bus to get to the school and carrying supplies back and forth would be hard for her, now she could leave them in a safe place and enjoy crafts and teaching the students new things.

On March 31. The end of the first quarter. What better way to end this quarter than to be able to celebrate the risen savior!  We had a great day at church as Pastor Jon told the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. He stated that the 2 best phrases in the Bible are: It is finished (our sins are paid for) and He is Risen (Jesus is alive). Praise God simply by asking, our sins are forgiven and Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us today! Because He lives, we have hope and can enjoy our lives today.  Fellowshipping with our church family, taking communion, sharing lunch and hunting Easter Eggs in Honduras, a place where Jesus’ resurrection is not really celebrated, was such a reminder of how blessed we are! We will continue on until all have the opportunity to hear Jesus is alive.

Truck Update

Our truck has been such a blessing to us.  It is undoubtedly one of the most important gifts we have received from God while on the mission for almost 7 years.  We have previously told the story of how God provided our truck to us. In this newsletter we have a testimony of how God blesses us even when we do dumb things.  We carried our missionary friends to get groceries the Wednesday before Easter (because they have no car and taxis were so busy they could not get a taxi to come to their house).  Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a BIG deal down here.   Unfortunately, not for the right reason.  This is the week when everyone goes on vacation.  I mean everyone (even taxi drivers).  Government and bank offices are closed all week and by Wednesday afternoon most everything else is closed.  Everyone is heading for a long weekend with the family near the water (beach, river or wherever).  The traffic, even in our small town, Is terrible.  OK, back to the story.  We were waiting outside of the crowded grocery store in our truck parked on the side of the super crowded street.  There was no room in the small parking lot.  Suddenly, we saw an open parking space. 

Gene started to back up in order to enter the gated parking area when we felt a jolt.  He had not watched his mirrors and one rear wheel jumped the curb and fell into a hole.  We were stuck.  We got out of the truck and several men came over talking about what needed to be done to get the truck out.  After a short prayer and much advise, Gene quickly removed the jack from underneath the back seat and they all started jacking up the truck and placing rocks underneath the wheel.  A friend from our church passed by, stopped, stayed with us and helped with translation. Before we knew it, the truck was out and praise God there was no damage.  God blesses us even when we get ourselves in tough places.  God always wants to bless his kids.  This was the third time that we have had strangers immediately come to our rescue.  They never question or expect anything, other than a thank you, after the rescue is completed.  God has led us to a place where the common everyday person wants to help and be a blessing when they can.  Gloria a Dios (Glory to God).

Santa Catarina

We visited Santa Catarine to deliver school supplies to some of the children of that area.  This is an area where our friend Sharon ministers as part of her ministry, Intibucá Amor en Obras (Love in Works).  We have gone with her several times to visit and minister to this community.  We enjoy seeing the people of this area and enjoy assisting Sharon with her ministry work.

Team Solheim

Our work with Team Solheim this quarter included the normal Club Aslan weekly events and a special camp that was held by their ministry.  A visiting intern, Gaby,  came for a month with a plan for a youth camp. Four 2-day youth camps were held in 2 weeks with good Bible stories, crafts and games.  We had the opportunity to assist in one of the 2-day camps.  Learning about God is fun, Gaby did a great job!  Club Aslan continues to meet each Saturday in the aldea of El Cerron, sharing God’s love

TeachMe2Love Academy

Kids are amazing! When we first came down Gene said,” kids are not my thing”. Well, maybe not but man do they love Mr. Gene! We always have fun at Teach Me 2 Love and this year is no exception. The kids are getting older & smarter but still love Jell-O, gifts, crafts & painting; learning not so much-kids are kids. But they are still learning!  A teacher from Guatemala heard about the school and came over to learn from Jon & Alicia. She was amazing as she helped to teach, do crafts, play with the kids and learn more about possibly starting a special needs school in Guatemala. This is Jon & Alicia’s dream, to see education available for all children everywhere. God is pleased.

Whitefields Missions – La Ceiba

Our missionary friends (Whitefields) in La Ceiba Honduras (on the other side of the country) gave us a call asking if we would like to come up and help them out for a few weeks.

The Bible college we attended, Charis Bible College, was sending 5 teams of second year students down for their mission trip during the months of February through April.  We were excited and decided to go for 3 weeks to help out with the first 2 teams. The Charis Bible College main campus is located in Woodland Park, Colorado. There are 21 extension campuses across the USA and 31 International campuses around the world. Every 2nd year student is required to go on a mission trip. No ministry or church is complete without involving missions through prayer, support or going.

For each team that comes down, there is a lot of prep work, actual work, cleanup work then start again. We have assisted Allen & Vicky Skelton (Whitefields) many times and love the work they are doing to encourage the team members to learn about missions.  The weather was beautiful and comfortable which was a blessing since teams were coming from cold, snowy places. 

Charis Bible College – Dallas, Kansas City and Indianapolis

The first team was students from the US extension campuses in Dallas, Kansas City and Indianapolis. The second team was students from the Chicago and Oklahoma City campuses.  Needless to say, these members, from different campuses, had never met face to face but had only met through Zoom calls and practicing skits over the internet – who knows how things will turn out!  They were awesome!  The first day they met and practiced together then prepared for the week. The next day they were at the local school teaching English, helping with math problems, building walls in the old class rooms, plastering & painting.  That afternoon local teens & 20’s came to play, meet with their friends and hear a Bible story.

Charis Bible College – Chicago & Oklahoma City

The team did their skits and it was great. The next day some of the kids were talking about the skit! God touched their hearts. It was another day at school but today the team planned a field day with races and games along with learning English. Other team members cleaned window screens, swept & mopped and dusted off everything in the room. A successful day. On another day there was a trip to a village with about 100 children; chaotic but fun for all!

Of course there was the visit to the Seniors home. No visitors have been allowed to go into the home since Covid but we could stand on the porch in front of screened doors & windows to sing & minister. For those who have visited here before, yes, Shelia is still singing “He’s God in the good times and He’s God in the bad times”.

Both teams came for one week and there was a week break in-between for rest and preparation. Both teams had basically the same schedule. We pray and believe that the team members were all touched, blessed and returned home with a new perspective for missions.

When we were in La Ceiba last year we heard of a teacher that taught in the mountains of La Ceiba. Some of the youth from a previous team hiked to the school and back and said they loved it but would not take that hike again. It was hot, the trails were rocky and steep. Actually one athletic girl slid down the mountain side. But this teacher goes every day to teach 27 children, grades 1-6 in a single classroom.

This year in between the 2 Charis teams that we just worked with, we meet with the teacher. We learned that someone drives her as far as a car can go then she walks the rest of the way; perseverance for sure.  The teachers have to furnish their own supplies; markers, erasers, paper, pens, pencils etc. so we decided to take her some school supplies.  Thanks to your support we were able to gather a big plastic container full of supplies and craft items for her to use. Our friends at Teach Me 2 Love donated work books and some other items to help with the younger kids.  The teacher, Rosa, was so thankful.  We pray God’s blessings and strength for her and these students.  Most of these kids will never leave the area they live in but writing and math skills are very important wherever you live.


We are living such a great life, not easy, not fancy but a life filled with the goodness of God.  There are so many adventures we get to take and God goes with us, in fact we depend on Him to lead us. Heart of the King Ministries is all about helping others and doing the good things He sets before us. We believe this is what God created us for.

Is there someone you can help today? It’s the little things that will make a big difference in another person’s life; be on the lookout and be willing to help.  God bless you dear friends.

Heart of the King

We love you,
Gene & Robin
Heart of the King Ministries

If the Lord leads you to support our ministry financially, all gifts are tax deductible and should be mailed to:

Heart of the King Ministries
115 Creden Pl
Alabaster, AL. 35007

Checks should be made payable to Heart of the King Ministries.

If you would like to use a credit or debit card or your PayPal account,
PayPal is available on our website at this LINK.

Click this LINK to view all of our Honduras photo galleries (newer photos appear toward the bottom of the individual galleries).