Daily Archives: March 17, 2019

1 post

Heart of the King Ministries – Newsletter

Sharing the heart of Jesus in Honduras

The month of February was short, sweet and busy

HFMM Conference

February is the month for the annual conference of the Honduras Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries (HFMM).  This is the association that we belong to here in Honduras.  With a theme of “One purpose, many callings” they endeavor to help all missionaries, regardless of denomination, to fulfill their purpose. At these meetings we share ideas, have regional meetings to meet new missionaries in our area, attend training sessions to strengthen our lives, marriages and faith in God. It is a time of relaxation and rejuvenation for all. The nightly services were refreshing as we were able to sing and hear the word of God all in English!

We are thankful to be a part of HFMM. This last year, they helped us to get our residency in less than two months and were available to answer questions and provide cultural and needed workshops to assist in building our foundation in Honduras.  The connections and contacts we have made through the fellowship have been invaluable.

LA Ceiba – Charis Colorado Team

February also brought us the opportunity to return to La Ceiba Honduras to assist Whitefields Missions (Allen & Vicky Skelton) with a short-term team from the states.  This team was special to us because they were from Charis Bible College in Colorado.  This is the Bible College we graduated from just a couple of years ago.  We enjoyed our time in La Ceiba, as always, and thank Allen and Vicky for giving us the opportunity to serve with their ministry.  It was a great week as the team ministered to the children, adults and elderly.




After the team left La Ceiba to return to the states, we had another opportunity for cultural growth.  We traveled to the coastal town of Trujillo, a three hour drive from La Ceiba.  With friends from Whitefields this adventure led us to one of the first towns founded in Central America.  The history and culture were thick in this small town.



House – Septic line

After returning home to La Esperanza, we found the road to our house closed with construction.  We took a detour and went to our house the ‘back way’.  They were installing a sewer line down our road.  There is a deep trench dug straight down the middle of the road.  We did get to our house and parked in the drive way.  The next day, they continued digging and even turned and dug a trench right in front of our drive way.  This blocked us in, so now we are back to walking until they finish.  It is inconvenient for now but we know the sewer line and road repairs will be a blessing.



English Class

We also had the opportunity this month to go to English class.  Actually, we were not learning English but our friends and missionaries Steve & Kelly Solhiem teach English classes to first through eighth grade at a local public school two days a week.  We enjoyed assisting them with class. Honduras now requires English to be taught in the public schools also a law was passed that Biblical ethics should be taught in public schools.  Join us in prayer for the children of Honduras, with the influence of Biblical morals we hope to see a stronger more prosperous Honduras.

We are exploring many things, making new friends and listening to the Lord as we serve Him in the little things we do daily. We never knew the first phase of making contacts and connections would take so much time.  Who we know and have a relationship with will make a tremendous difference if the effectiveness of our ministry in Honduras.  As we continue to move toward starting recovery and discipleship programs, thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Gene and Robin

If the Lord leads you to support our ministry financially, all gifts are tax deductible and should be mailed to:

Heart of the King Ministries
115 Creden Pl
Alabaster, AL. 35007

Checks should be made payable to Heart of the King Ministries.

If you would like to use a credit or debit card or your PayPal account,
PayPal is available on our website at this LINK.

Click this LINK to view our Honduras photo galleries (newer photos appear toward the bottom of the individual gallery).