Monthly Archives: February 2018

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Great Family – Great Friends – Great Food – Great God

Great Family – Great Friends
It was wonderful to get back to the states just in time to spend Christmas with our families.  We
arrived in Alabama on December 22, spent the next day with Robin’s brothers then headed for
Georgia on Christmas Eve. It was great to see family and friends that we have not seen in a while.

First we were in Georgia with the Willis family. The Christmas Eve dinner was delicious, then we opened gifts. Sister Pam and niece Amy had gag gifts for everyone, we all laughed and had a lot of fun. Christmas day was spent resting and talking with family. The next day we went to Alabama and spent the rest of the week with the Sanford family. We prepared a tasty Christmas dinner, did some after Christmas shopping and went to the Talladega Race Track and Museum. It is always great spending time with family! We went back to Georgia in time for the first Friday night Mission Small Group which we were and are a part of. There were lots of good friends there and we all shared about recent mission trips abroad. Sunday we attended our Georgia church, Free Chapel, and talked with many friends there. In the busyness of Christmas time we missed seeing some of you but thought of you and hope to see you next time.

Again, we headed back to Alabama to spend some more time with Robin’s brothers. While in sweet home Alabama, we attended Roger’s church, Good News Assembly, and saw many friends again. We also attended Joey’s church, Church of the Highlands, Oxford Campus. At the end of this time, we made a quick one day run back to Georgia to speak at the Salem Baptist Church WMU meeting. What a great time with those who watched Gene grow up and prayed for him so often. You, our dear friends and family, have helped us grow into who we are today with high hopes of being instruments of the gospel wherever we are.

Then off to Colorado, we left very early hoping to miss most of the snow and ice. Yes, sometimes there is snow in the Deep South! The way was clear until the middle of Mississippi, snow started falling. It was light and beautiful and since the highways were clear we kept going. While stopping for gas and a snack a trucker told us the roads in Louisiana were closed down, he was turning around and going back north-ha! We prayed and decided to go on. God is good! The roads we took were opened although we saw several large trucks that had slid off the roads. Once we got to Texas all was well, no snow there. We visited several friends from Bible College who live in Texas and enjoyed our time with them.

Then on to Colorado with sunny skies.

During our week in Colorado we spent time with friends from Joyland, our church there, and friends from Charis Bible College. They all treated us so nice and fed us well!  It was great to see so many, serving God and being a blessing right where they are. We want to add a special thank you to the two families we stayed with while in Colorado.
We also had an opportunity to speak to the Charis mission school. There is a great group of students, they are fired up for their six week trip to experience life on the mission field. They will be heading to countries across the globe to experience a little of what real missionaries experience every day.

Great Food
The food was amazing.  Gene gained 20 pounds in the six weeks we were in the states, Robin added back the 10 she had lost in the 6 months in Honduras -ughh!. Did we mention? The food was amazing. We love the food in Honduras (Baleadas, papusas, etc…) but we did miss some things from the states, like good Alabama BBQ (The Rocket), burgers from Hardees (Carls Jr for those in Colorado) and seafood (Atlanta Road Seafood Market in GA) and especially Mama Willis’ cooking (salmon patties, biscuits & gravy, brownies & more). The food was amazing.  Oh, forgot, we have already said that. The food was excellent. Also at the homes we stayed at in GA, AL and CO, we had some of the best cooking you can find anywhere. But I have to say, baleadas are priority one when we return to Honduras. We’ll start cooking again next week, rice and beans, yum, we really like these!

Great God
Best of all, our God is great. We were blessed and protected the whole time we were in the
states. God directed our steps and the weather to get us safely to the places we were going. Also,
with the flu being rampant, we did not get sick! We were shopping, eating out, around a few that
were sick BUT GOD!
We really enjoyed going to the different church services. Being in a foreign place and not
speaking the language limits so much, especially fellowship and worship with a congregation.  Never take church for granted, it is a privilege and blessing. Our relationship with God is personal but it can be fueled by relationships with like minded believers and we need that!  We praise God for each of you. As we look back at last year we see how God made a way for every need and desire of our hearts. He worked through you as you prayed, as you gave, as you
cheered us on to mold our heart with a greater desire to serve Him. Yes, we are thankful for the
past but we are excited for the future. We are two small creations that can grow and bloom and
encourage hearts to follow the one who loves us most, our Great God!

We appreciate your prayers and support. 

If the Lord leads you to support our ministry financially, all gifts are tax deductible and should be mailed to:

Heart of the King Ministries
115 Creden Pl
Alabaster, AL. 35007
Please note that our mailing address has changed.

Checks should be made payable to Heart of the King Ministries.

If you would like to use a credit or debit card or your PayPal account,
PayPal is available on our website at this LINK.

Click this LINK to view our Honduras photo gallery (newer photos appear toward the bottom of the gallery). We will continue to add photos to this gallery.


Gene & Robin Willis