Monthly Archives: March 2017

3 posts

Nicaragua Here We Come

It is an exciting time.  We leave Thursday for six weeks in Nicaragua.  The preliminary itenerary has us ministering just about every day.  We will be traveling from the West coast to the East coast.  From the north around honduras to the south toward Coata Rica.  Seven days on the Coco River in Northeast Nicaragua rght on the Honduras boader ministering to the Miskito indians.  From jungle to large lakes to volcanos.  We will be ministering to three of the five major indiginous people groups of Nicaragua.  We were born for a time like this.  Please remember us in Prayer as we take the word of God to His children who desperatly need His love.  We hope to post here weekly as we travel and minister in Nicaragua.


Gene & Robin Willis

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Heart of the King Ministries, P.O Box 4018, Woodland Park, CO. 80866-4018

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